Friday, May 6, 2016

National Business Plan About Ecology

The environmental problems inherited from the Soviet era in Azerbaijan in all areas of life and showing the effects to human health poses real dangers. Difficulties of the transition period, the full realization of environmental policies throughout the country experienced delays. In this regard, the assistance of international organizations in the field of environmental protection is very important and necessary. The country's environmental problems and identifying the solution of the problems accordingly with the goal of preparation of a project for financial and technical support of the World Bank in 1996, the National Ecology business plan (SUCK) was prepared. This plan covers the cost of them increases to more than 40 projects and 50 million dollars.
SUCKING consists of two parts. Short-term projects with long-term strategies for the protection and improvement of the environment. So far four short-term on a project has started to work on them. These are:
- The management of industrial wastes that contain mercury sumgayitda,
- The establishment of a fish breeding farm,
- Cleaning of oil polluted soils in the Absheron peninsula,
- The government structure and legal basis of environmental protection and management activities and development projects. The ecological state of the environment Committee, has put the protection and development of basic principles related to preparing emip. The basis of these principles, the United Nations held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, environmental protection and improvement of the conference are based on the principle accepted global. The conservation of the biosphere, efficient use of energy and natural resources, waste reduction, development of waste treatment systems; here is emphasized as the basic trends.In the last few years in the country that provided social, political, and economic order that has emerged in the field of Ecology created a positive environment to achieve their goals. Today, in Azerbaijan on the environment in accordance with international principles and policy strategies in this field have begun the implementation of the constant.
The role of environmental NGOs in the formation of environmental information in the community is gaining importance. In recent years, the Azerbaijan green movement, the most effective organization operating in the field of the environment. The environmental protection agencies of foreign countries has close relations with many of these organizations. Independent ecology on the initiative of a member of a group, communication, organization, Agency for Korea was established. The Agency aims to inform the community about ecological problems in Azerbaijan. Of NGOs in Azerbaijan, despite the challenges they face, the knowledge about the problems in environmental pollution and its prevention is increasing, it is becoming increasingly common in social support and environmental protection activities.
1. Calculation About Human Development In The Republic Of Azerbaijan?, The UN Development Program. Baku, 1998.
2. Preserve neighborhoods around, and, of course, Benefit Effectively of caution, Really, Publications, Baku, 1996.
3.Problems of Ecology of the Republic of Azerbaijan, BDU publications, Baku, 1990.
4.Concepts From Ecology, Black Mustafayev, Baku, 1999.

The Negative Effects Of Military Conflict On The Environment

 State protection and temporary protection that was created to protect the endemic plant and animal species of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains are located in the areas under the current occupation. This prohibition is not applied in the protection of the environment be considered in any way in any war, and has seen very significant losses of these places. The land occupied at the same time, regions rich in natural resources and healing waters. Today, all these natural resources being plundered is consumed. The truce, which started in 1994 as a result of the use of military technology to a certain extent in devastating damage to the environment has decreased. But excessive consumption of natural resources unconsciously and forests and continues. The government institution responsible for preparing and implementing environmental management policies is the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources. Directly under this ministry serves as the President of Azerbaijan. 12 29 14 the institution of the local Committee branches and natural preserve, and maintain temporary protection is responsible for overseeing 20. Monitor the ecological status of the country, allow you to get waste into the environment (or not), institutions and organizations to examine and control the environmental effects of Ecology-related laws, permits and prohibitions of the house that does not comply with the business temporarily or permanently stop; one of the main tasks of the State Committee on ecology. Azerbaijan's environmental policy and the 1995 Constitution 1992A?acceptance "is specified in the Law On Protection of the environment and based on the principle that the use of natural resources. This legal basis, the evaluation of environmental impacts and the country's human ecological standards of the European Union in accordance with appropriate standards for re-determination. Economically efficient mechanism to reduce environmental pollution, to take advantage of environmental information for the development of environmental culture and environmental protection in the field of cooperation with regional and international organizations carry out programs to develop, it is inevitable.

The animal kingdom and environmental pollution

There are animals that includes a rich various species in Azerbaijan. In the country of mammals 99 species, 123 species of fish, 360 species of birds, 54 species of reptiles and insects 14,000 of the type were recorded. The places where most of them live as a result of human activities have significantly deteriorated. This also leads to the reduction of the number of animals and species diversity. Today, the expansion of planted areas as a result of initiatives by the dissemination of Agriculture 14 faces the danger of extinction mammal. Mixing of waters and chemical waste water contamination the lake and 35 species of birds who live in the surrounding areas constitutes a danger for. 40 of all insect species, 10 reptile animal species to survive for generations, special attention is required. It is also exposed to large losses it can be said that commercially important fish populations. Since 1950, the Caspian feed setup, and to be made of hydropower plants on other rivers, has caused significant damage to the breeding places of the fish. With the increase in the water level of the Caspian sea, fish breeding grounds and also economic difficulties did not allow the establishment of new farms under water. At the same time with important fish populations poaching is harmed. This is the most important first step for the prevention of damage to the fish production farm project with a capacity of 15 million tonnes of construction has been involved in the National Action Plan on Ecology.

Loss Of Vegetation

In terms of number of plant species in the grounds 4.300 plant species in Azerbaijan, compared to other countries has the richest flora of the Caucasus. Yesil 13.6 per cent of the country's land and forests are the areas si. Half of the forests in the Greater Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, 34% of the Lesser Caucasus in the mountains and u 15% is located in the region of purchase. The forests in Azerbaijan on human and agricultural activities, along with crop types at the same time endangers ecological systems. This applies in particular in dense regions where its industrial facilities are located. Once ranging from 10-150 feet above the summits of the mountains, forests to go now. The use of wood as a fuel in some regions as a result of the expansion of pasture and animal each year, on average, experiencing the loss of 1.3 million cubic meters of forest. Drying of the soil during certain periods of the swamps and pasture land caused by the deterioration of some plant species to be used as where he grew up.

Erosion of soils and pollution

Land areas in Azerbaijan that can be used is limited. 0.6 per arable land area in the country, the cultivated land area is 0.2 hectares. About a third of the country's territory is unfavourable for agriculture. Half of grasslands to agriculture land useful; %30.2 Â?sini cultivated land; %12.8 perennial crop fields. ini, %5.4 underutilized areas constitute fame. Soil erosion is a problem that a large section of the country's territory is encountered. The felling of forests threatens to worsen this problem. Rivers and river beds, with 516 cubic feet of soil per hectare per year the washing takes place. Along the coast in the regions of the country and the Absheron peninsula in the southeast region, we are faced with soil erosion due to wind. Soil pollution endangers human health both today and in the future and live life significantly, which is an important problem. More than 840.000 hectares of agricultural land in Azerbaijan toxic chemicals are used in the section. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the agriculture and the economic crisis in a way that makes himself feel important in terms of the purchase and use of some chemical fertilizers has led to some difficulties. This is also to some extent in the last period the quality of the soil has improved. The amount of chemical substances in the soil, but remains at a high level today. As a result of industrial activities from over 64,000 hectares of the land area is dirty. This 47.700 hectares of oil industry activities, The processing of other natural resources 3.940 hectares, larger than 100 hectares are contaminated as a result of the activities of the division of the chemical industry. Many measures must be taken to protect the land in Azerbaijan. According to the official information of State Statistics Committee, the prevention of erosion requires the creation of 24.500 acres of woodland. 800 kilometers of the coastline of the Caspian lake is part of a huge threat to new and serious work needs to be done to solve the problem of erosion and flooding.

Air Pollution

The weather in Azerbaijan is significantly contaminated. The country's production facilities into the air each year from 1.2 to 2.6 million tons of waste is left. This waste significantly in sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide and oxides of carbon is located. According to official data of the State Statistics Committee, the volume of waste 24 tonnes per square kilometer of air between the years 1991-97 (1991) 15.3 tonnes (1997) respectively. However, this positive result is the development of environmental management over the last decade due to the economic crisis, the actual capacity of the production facilities 25-30% of the work under the result. In Azerbaijan the volume of waste despite the decrease in the number of materials that constitute significant hazards to human health in the air as in previous years remains. The country's largest industrial cities, particularly in Baku and the rate of contamination of the air is high. There are many causes of air pollution in these cities. Technology and tools used here is very old and has not been renewed even once they are in the last 40-50 years. Most of the time as fuel for thermal power plants, natural gas instead of high sulphur containing oil are used for. On the other hand, sufficient capital is allocated to reduce or mitigate environmental damage. Money allocated to protect the environment in the years 1980-97, the share allocated to the development of the industry of 0.1%-0.6 accounted for much of. As the years 1993-96 for the repair of any capital facilities wastewater treatment approximately has been provided.

Azerbaijan water resources and water pollution

Overall length 33 in Azerbaijan. 665 miles, square kilometers, which is the area 85.500 8.359 rivers and streams, the real capacity of 21.4 billion and 13.5 billion cubic meters water usage, capacity 250 with 57 goals and reserves. Azerbaijan's 16 billion cubic meters per year of freshwater is produced. This 1.1-1.2 billion cubic meters is supplied from groundwater. Hold 11-13 billion cubic meters of annual water consumption, and only 25% of it-30A?u in the industry and is used for daily needs. Overall, the water flow of the river, in Azerbaijan 70% of the country outside is shaped. The ratio between the number of population and geographic areas and Azerbaijan, meeting the demand for water in terms of its neighbors, Russia, is lagging behind quite a bit from countries such as Armenia and Georgia. Water shortage is the most Muğla-Shirvan, Absheron peninsula, Between the Plains, Mil-Karabakh and Nakhichevan are experienced in the areas of. The problem of water scarcity in agriculture, water is known to make the losses even more. And two of the country's irrigation system consists of ten main irrigation canal from the drainage systems. The Overall length of the channel used 38.900 kilometers. These channels are 95% cannot meet today's requirements. Because of this, every year, large water losses (2.5 to 3 billion cubic meters per year) arises. This causes elevation of the level of underground water and the land coraklasmas. Every year, the daily use of the country's water basins, industrial use and agricultural use of the waste water is drained out in about 5 billion cubic meters. A big part of it (3.4-4 billion cubic meters ) is partially cleared. Water threaded 0.25-0.32 billion cubic meters of cleaned up according to common standards; 0.25-0.30 billion cubic meters of water, which is poured out without ever being cleaned.

The ecological situation in Azerbaijan and the measures taken

In Azerbaijan the protection of the environment, and continuity is an important area that requires special interest. In the period of the Soviet Union, contaminating the environment with organizations located within the state mandated the establishment of organizations for the prevention of environmental pollution was significantly personally. Such a structure, the methods, regardless of the realization of economic development is kept in a condition that is the most important goal. In this case have not been paying much attention to environmental damage. Because of this, the prevention of carelessness which has continued for many years, human health, and to ensure the continuity of great importance to the welfare of environment and natural resources is emerging as a topic to be managed in a way that should be emphasized. The most uncomfortable subject in Azerbaijan in terms of the environment, industrial activities are the problems that gave birth. The Absheron peninsula for many years due to the lack of ecological use of natural resources based on the foundations have suffered extensive damage. The city of Sumgait which was founded in petro-chemical, chemical and metallurgical industries, the Soviet Union was capable of meeting the needs of all of its products. The dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Union that occurred in the period of the breakdown of economic relationships that emerged in Azerbaijan as a result of the economic crisis and the decline in production of substantial amounts of relatively reducing the pressure that creates environmental problems have created a positive environment. Only problems related to industrial activities, but also the realization of housing projects that have not been well thought out and the use of chemicals in agriculture has caused soil erosion and excessive leanness. Such activities have produced results also significantly water contamination. There are serious environmental problems in the woods. In Azerbaijan the activities of the wood processing industry have increased significantly. Of wood as fuel in the country, especially the poor and refugees who are forced to leave their homes because of the occupation has become a source of significant energy.