
Threats and biodiversity:
millions of years, although it is known that losses of species over time. Today, with some other plant and animal species lived in the past from the fossils of the dinosaurs that we know. Although losses of species in the Earth's ecosystem in the past, especially in the last century, world population growth, species losses as a result of developments in industry and technology in the ecosystem has increased considerably. Today's kind of a history of losses according to research, 1000 to 10 000 times higher. In addition, the generation of animal and plant species in the United States is in danger of 480 706 emphasized. In our country kurbagagil 5, 3 reptiles, 11 birds and 10 mammal species extinct or in danger of extinction, it is stated that. Again, some medical and tuberous plants of the flora destroyed as a result of collecting in the country, it is known that excessive and unconscious. In this situation of our country, which is one of the major animal groups, insects, the more obvious it is not. Samsun, Amasya and Butterfly species in the region of 30% of their generation is destroyed, or 150 years ago than it is reported that came to the location of rare species that can be found. Some insect species that are found in the fauna of our country is defined in the scientific sense, for reasons I'll explain below, there is a strong probability of the generation of the destruction.
World species losses directly affects the lives of all living things in the ecosystem. Each species in the ecosystem, and complex mutual relations with each other are connected to each other that the destruction of a species to have a negative impact on the species and leads to species extinction. Thus, the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Every species on earth has a mission, given that species extinction have negative effects on the functioning of the ecosystem. Also every living species on our planet is a treasure trove of unique genetic information . This information in conjunction with species extinction. There are many factors that threaten Biological Diversity. The impact of these factors on the species a few species are exerting a negative impact on the population as separately sometimes together. These factors include the following:
1 - extreme of the plateau pasture and grazing: in our country, especially the Black Sea, Eastern and southeastern Anatolia and the Mediterranean region the high-altitude plateau. This rich plant and animal diversity in the highlands. The destruction of vegetation depending on the grazing of the plateau extreme, leads to the reduction of biological diversity. Over-grazing, Erzurum palandöken and in parallel to the destruction of the vegetation in the mountains Kargapazari that leads to the destruction of insect species, again, over-grazing, together with other factors, Amasya butterfly species in the region about 150 years ago than it was about 30%, or rare species known to cause destruction to fall into the state of their generation. Overgrazing of plant species important plant of our country in the generation of hunting leads to the destruction of akdağ. Overgrazing, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, of course, is the most important factor that reduce vegetation cover. Again, erciyes mountain biodiversity of the ecological over-grazing of pastures can be said to be the significant factor that reduces risk.
2 - Erosion: soil erosion is one of the important factors that reduces biological diversity in the entire world. Especially in our country, overgrazing, and deforestation as a result of increasing soil erosion, reduced plant diversity and consequently animal diversity is destroyed. 3 - stubble burning: stubble burning in our country, the biodiversity and biological balance is disturbed the result of damaged entire.
4 - Agriculture machine switching: since the beginning of the last century, agriculture machine and agriculture as a result of passing of arable land was opened roughly and then processed. Previously, it has demonstrated to adapt to such habitats in consequence of the change of a habitat for plant and animal species which have been destroyed.
5 - irregular and excessive pesticide use in agriculture: pesticide use in agriculture as a result of the excessive and unconscious breeds resistant to harmful insects by developing drugs as their generation continued to hit, much more delicate structure with a harmless and beneficial insects are adversely affected by drugs, and are faced with the destruction of their generation. Not only are pesticides polluting the environment, and materials with poison dish and insect-eating birds may be adversely affected by other organisms such as also causes. Thus, the unconscious, and excessive use of pesticides lead to a loss of chain in the ecosystem of a type.
6 - drying of wetlands: the plants in the wetlands to birds, fish, insects and constitutes a habitat for many other species. This medicine also regulates the water flow in the fields of the region. The drying of wetlands and living space leads to the extinction of species that have adapted to the changing areas. This is the medical field, for example, in Samsun, ladik lake and the Red River Delta environment can be given. This has an extremely rich diversity in terms of our local BirdLife. In the UK, Lycaena dispar (spin spin) drying of wetlands are known to have a result this type of butterfly.
7 - dams and urbanization: large dams and the increasing world population, the creation of large cities leads to the extinction of species that can be found only in these areas. 8 - industrialization and household and industrial waste: increasing industrialization in the last century the world population has increased the pressure on and the result of environmental pollution and biological resources. A large portion of the world's biological diversity, acid rain and the destruction of the Amazon and tropical forests that hosts leads to the reduction of biodiversity. Again, more of the biological resource are being depleted due to the increasing population and biodiversity is reduced.
9 - global warming: the temperature of the Earth's climate in the coming years 1.5-4.5°C are projected to be higher. Global warming climate change in plant communities that have adapted to the previous lead. Plant and animal species towards the higher part the result of global warming factor. Global warming is being pushed by population and species diversity significantly affected the animals need. The effect of global warming on the species was investigated in detail. One area of research that global warming leads to a change in plant and animal life span of the species change with global warming is natural, it is none of the generation of some species.
10 - Excessive hunting and gathering to do: since the first ages, Hunting has been an important method in the food supply of the people. Due to the increasing population and decreased the number of species hunted, the unconscious today because of hunting, many animals have gone extinct. The same situation applies to the species in the sea. Whale, crocodile, and fish populations decreased and excessive hunting of species such as the result unconscious, to survive under the danger came. Again, the subject some medicinal plants from flora, tulips, orchids and bulbous plants, such as the sale of excess generation has been the cause of the destruction of the collection. In this way the unconscious poses the biggest threat in our country aggregates. Butterflies and other insects in the fauna of our country again and leading to the extinction of this species collected from the trade to be done.

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