Thursday, March 10, 2016

Waste Fuel Is Being Converted Into In Venice

It is known as the city of Venice, an island in the sea-city. Enough space for burying garbage in the city to be fixed by is not available. Here is another alternative solution for the Elimination of waste recycling and incineration plants there is the possibility of an expensive option. There is a third way that only the removal of household hazardous waste, i.e., with the completion of the organic corruption of the volume reduction, drying and odorless. If this process is done in the open air, it gives out a bad smell. Here, the German company Herhof Dry Stabilization’ developed a new method with the name, the city of Venice is an ideal solution for trash removal problems with the alternatives presented. Although this process actually composting in the open air, but not in a closed hangar of 700 cubic meters is being built. Garbage collected from ships in the channels with 70 home “Fusina” are brought to the center. Here a pre-processed and then the “Herhof-boxes” called off week in the hangar l is staying. In the meantime, ventilated from below the biological degradation of waste is occurring. The temperature 50°C. evaporated and the garbage rises to juice, Weight a 30% reduction in occurs. The bad odor is eliminated. Dry in a week and stabilized in the trash, glass, ceramics, metals and inert substances such as the remaining portion after leaving: %moisture have less than 15, 66% organic matter content, and 17,000 kJ/kg(4,7 kWh/kg) heat value of lignite coal is converted into a valuable fuel. Thus, the garbage are being recycled, and the need for landfill space is eliminated. Lovers of Germany by a company established in UAE before that there is a facility of the city. There is established on an area of 7.800 m2 Total closed hangar with a volume of 22 m3 and 2 77.400 with the help of the filter chamber, waste processing, and the first half of the amount that came the fuel is obtained.

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