Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Food Additives That Affect Our Health

Human health, and their hygiene is associated with the foods we consume. Everything we eat our body carries information kodlasmis. Code that us, our thinking, our actions, and even our love even affects; in short, we can say that affect our lives. If the foods we take can affect our lives so much if irem a conscious human, then it is essential to know the contents of the food I ate.

In the perspective of the protection of human identity, knowledgeably in control of the kitchen is of great importance. Most of us, "Alhamdulillah I am a Muslim, I eat pork nor drink alcohol what," and rahatlatiri ourselves. But many questionable additives came to our table with the food we consume Haram and we have no idea. Easily eat these foods, I would recommend even to our closest relatives.

"Food additive" when you think of natural and synthetically prepared food production in the food industry, increasing durability and the life of the food product preparation or packaging, the density, the substance or mixtures of substances to give color participating is understood. These vegetable and animal origin. Unfortunately most of them pork, alcohol, insecticides etc. based on the sources. Sometimes this nutrient contributions it is provided with the various codes so that you can keep a lot of names. For example, e 322, E471, E510. Here e code, used to identify food additives and the European Union is a symbol of not cause any confusion. All the chemicals and additives in foodstuffs that are defined as natural or synthetic are used in this coding system.

Most recognizable as a food additive, “emulsifiers” what is and what is it used for?

Never add water to oil, you'll see that two liquids that won't bother you until-until the emulsifier can be added. One of the ends of seven oil emulsifier (hydrophobic) and the other water-loving (hydrophilic) molecules. These molecules, each other, a good way to water and oil mixing (dispersion) to produce an emulsion that provides. The Greeks in ancient times, they used wax as an emulsifier in cosmetic products. The first emulsifier used in food production 19. In the beginning of the century, with egg yolk is prepared. Egg yolk won't in quite a short period-because it is obtained from soy lecithin since the 1920's manufacturers tended the plant. However, the significant improvement in 10 years from now with emulsifiers, fatty acid derivatives (mono-and di-glycerides) was removed to reveal occurred when. Today, most of the manufacturers used by food and long-lasting, and inexpensive foods in order to obtain more profits, which is the majority of these emulsifiers that have been added to the list of suspects, and Forbidden according to the Islamic religion.

Additives, emulsifier, margarine, mayonnaise, creamy sauces, candy, processed packaged foods, confectionery and in the production of many foods, such as bakery products play an important role. Purchase food for him and find out what we need to get this is the content of emulsifiers.

Nowadays most of the people Dr of the additives may have heard of. If, according to our faith if we want to consume some food additives which are obtained from animal products, what should we do then? The code numbers of additives on product labels (e.g. E471), or just the names (or what mono and triglycerides) as well as laniyo. Many additives, plants, minerals or animals are obtained from. Label-outcall from where it is produced does not have information about which sources of these additives, if appropriate in the circumstances, contact the manufacturer and detailed information about them whether it is an Islamic demand-pull off. For example, on the product label “E321 (soy lecithin)” this if statement is not objectionable. But only the “E321” or “lecithin” or “lecithin E321 reads” if you must investigate then these substances may be of animal origin. Most of us so far with a colorant called Carmine, which is a questionable additive that you were unaware of if you want to meet. In this article, "Cochineal" insects named is obtained from (E Code: E120) . Carmine is a dye of animal origin, has been used for hundreds of years. The discovery of Latin America the Spaniards until the discovery goes. The entrance to this years have occurred in Europe also. Carmine, Mexico, and Peru chose scaharlach of the females of an insect named schildlaus nutrient obtained from dried and ground cactus. Most of these colorings in dairy products, the color in the pudding, chewing gum, ice-cream, confectionery, biscuits, cakes, wafers, and sauces, jelly, mixed fruit flavored soft candy and is likely to be present in fruit juices.

According to research, what will affect the additives in the category of Haram and doubtful?
Overall contribution to the mad-break Haram, suspicious, malicious, and can be divided into four groups including clean. But this mad-break because it is not possible to memorize each one next to each of us, at least, the codes should include a list of Haram food and questionable.

Additives which may be unlawful include:

E120 - Cochineal (Carmine)
Colorant; obtained from insects; cosmetics, Sam-score in sula red Apple-Rin, desserts, and other food-ment is used. An allergic reaction in those with asthma and sensitive-path may cause.

E441 - Gelatin (Gelatin)
Matting, stabilizer, homo-jenlestirici ingredients; pork, beef, fish, animals such as skin, connective tissues and bones can be obtained. Allergies and asthma can cause.

E542 - Bone phosphate
Is produced from the bones of animals. Food emulsifier and is used as a source of phosphorus for the purpose of hardening. In addition, used in cosmetics (like toothpaste). The product animal bones (especially pork) is obtained.
E640 - Glycine, Sodium Glisinat
Used in flour products as flavor. It is not possible to determine the origin of the chemical compound, but the manufacturer can know. Pig, including the bones and skins of animals are being produced from.

E910 - l - cysteine, e920 - l-cysteine Mo-no hydrochloride inside handle front E92 - l-cysteine hydrochloride
Used in products such as bread and cake. Human hair, including pig, is obtained from animal hair and chicken feathers.

It is commonly known that the animals cut-minden then the useless parts are discarded. No part of the animal that has become so pig is wasted. Imagine, skin, intestines, hair, oil, is used in all sections of bone from the hold. This everyone can examine himself. For example, in the construction of the brush bristles, in the manufacture of bone gelatin, the oil is used in many cosmetic products.

In non-Muslim countries pork is widely consumed with food. Thought-provoking thing, which is why other products should be consumed through the remains of this animal Haram for Muslims? Because the cost of producing a pig is very inexpensive. For example, a substance such as gelatin other plants (the agave plant, quince seeds, etc.) can also be obtained, but is expensive because producing them is not preferred.
However, instead of burying the bones of dead animals can be produced very cheaply using the leftovers.
The conclusion is obvious. When consumed foods that contain these additives for many years, we changed the structure of the body, cancer, asthma, blood disorders, heart attack, etc. diseases taken out of our hands, our health, lost the love of her life, the average lifespan has shortened. Using information from our minds and we will eat healthy actually.

1.Gerard I. Hasenhuttl , Richard W . Härtel ( 2008 ) . Food Emulsifiers and their applications . Springer science + business Media , LLC , New York , 426 pages

2.Krog , N. &Sparco , F. V. (2005) . Food emulsifiers : Their chemical and physical properties , in Food Emulsions ( eds S. Freiburg , K. Larsson & J. sjoblo I ) , 4 th edition , Marcel Dekker , New York , pp 45-91

3.Berlitz , H. D., Grolsch , W., and schieber , P. (2004a). Food Chemistry . Berlin : Springer .178 -179 . Berlitz , H. D., Grolsch , W., and schieber , P. (2004 b). Food Chemistry . Berlin: Springer .331-2

4.Federal Register ( 2003 ) . Food and drugs – Title 21. Code of federal regulations. ( Parts 170 -199 ) . U. S. Government Printing Office : Washington.




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