Friday, February 26, 2016

In the water sector in Algeria 4.5 billion dollars investment opportunities

The Government of Algeria for the development of water resources in the next four years, $ 4.5 billion investment fund decided to leave. This amount what is the future for the water sector in the country, a sign that is so bright. During this period, 8 among the projects planned Dam construction, water transmission lines, wastewater treatment facilities, making establishment and to obtain fresh water from sea water plant is located 27 10. So the future of the sector looks bright, fair has stoked the appetite of companies. 20-23 for the first time in Algeria in June 2005, the International Water exhibition was held. This event is in cooperation with the Ministry of water resources in Algeria, the French Pollutec fair and environment Symbiose-Communication-Environnement held by the company -. This fair, which was built on an area of 6000 square meters, Algeria's water-related ministries and state agencies, in addition to many a foreign investment company in the field of water and wastewater service providers, water Transmission, Control, and joined the company for analysis. France, Italy and countries such as Canada gave a great importance on a national scale in this exhibition and was attracted. An indication of this as in France, the former colonial exhibition with more than 50 companies participated. In parallel to the fair distribution of drinking water, fresh water from sea water production, waste water treatment lectures on issues and I was given a French-Algerian joint Symposium held. Extensive information about this event can be obtained from the web address.

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