Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Destruction has been much faster

The peaks of gained bozburun white tablecloths, little streams to enjoy the arrival of autumn was fulfilled. The winter sun is enough to warm up to Antalya at peace, even in the car he was suffocating. The köprülü Canyon National Park in a way that we have done our work down here envanterleme dropped. Pinargözü village in the foothills of the mountains are 1 km away the vehicle stopped and started looking around. The mystical scent of the environment a friendly reminder that we're not no stranger to us. Goes down into the valley when we understand that our estimates are correct. Spread out over very large areas at one time, nice twists, he was a tired warrior who managed to survive. A day that's on behalf of many of us, frankincense, amber, or liquidambar orientalis Mill scientific name, known as one of the most important endemic plants, perhaps the most important. A little closer we saw that our friend wasn't in the mood at all. Despite the lack of time, just blackened the leaves, dried the tips of many branches. We have tried to figure out the problem fine because little information about their ecology. Sweetgum trees by the environment they are raised in, the more ground water of the valley is closed to high relative humidity condition, to a height of 150 to 800 m in alluvial soils show good development. Here the plant community, the widening of the valley, showing the distribution in the part was quite clear. This is the China we know best(Aydın), in contrast with the plant community was showing. But the ambient humidity is relatively high and the more height, provided him an opportunity to live in the neighborhood. To dry what could be the reason then? We completed our research and in our heads we hit the road towards pinargozu hoping to find an answer to the questions. Pinargozu as we heard, had finished a large portion of people in the coffee shop and he was chatting with pleasure. We're looking for we can get information about sweetgum, a considerable proportion of elderly villagers, it was full of such an environment. Thus, we could have first hand knowledge about the history of the plant. After a little conversation, the situation became clear. Pinargozu closed about 15 years ago, which gives its name to one of the primary resources Gebiz (Antalya) drinking water as it moved. Parallel to the decrease in water in the valley at the top of the head to dry in the plant community showed. Pinargozu in the plant community, the water between the bridge the plug with Pınargözü Pınargözü Creek (Cigirgan juice) on the area of 11 km in bird flight shows as being discrete fields. The creek into many small source towards the bottom agree. The most important of them Pamucak Creek and the Creek is low. With this connection in parallel with the rise in water level, there is a problem down that is connected to water plant communities. Also in this area of the valley plants that cover the need of high local fields in terms of the asylum deeper and the status created. In this sector, the trees still shed their leaves, branches drying out when a problem is not seen.
The indirect effect of the trees here, so the people they managed to escape; but this time, down to the body for years, he was complaining of an increase of the intensity of the blows of the axe. So the story of the inhabitants of the village had increased the size of haciosman damage, reveals the gravity of the situation. "How to cut my brain tell me who I'm going to I'm going to get another piece taking a piece from the other edge so that it is wound. Let's be a little more careful, let them come and tell them how much they're cutting from Antalya". Our field work attitude scale was worth revealing. Incidentally frankincense oil are antiseptic, wound healing, against interference (especially against scabies mite) and expectorant effects. And also internally for gonorrhea is used as the optimizer. According to information received from the villagers again, it is used in treatment of boils. April's head was injured bodies in order to obtain this oil, and balsam and special blades scraped by shells from the month of July is taken. These are kept in boiling water for 10-30 minutes, and the balsam is separated from the skins. The remaining shells into the `log` is called. Approximately 6 times during the period from 1947 through 1991 the area covered by the trees decreased in the same range from 1000 kg to kg 181.279 sweetgum oil production also has dropped. The use of plants in the region of fat more than the actual wedding, and on special occasions such as a mystical death in order to give fragrance to the environment, the burning of the chip is shaped like.
Almost every home has a piece of this shell. Nature of this and similar plants, against pests from the outside and prevents water loss as a result of injury is closed with wound secretions. But apparently maiming as a result of irregular and excessive, many plants recovered himself, overturned by rot. This outbreak shouldn't be over one other observation that the presence of fungi (isolated in the laboratory culture of this fungus was taken, and Aspergillus fumigatus were identified as a result). This is probably determined by speeding up decomposition of the body does not carry ends with the trees. Liquidambar there are 5 known species in the world. More natural distribution area in southwestern Anatolia in the country of the plant Marmaris, Mugla, Datca, Yata, Antalya, aydın, China, Dalyan, Dalaman and Fethiye, inland, Denizli, Burdur, Bucak and isparta-sutculer in the South Antalya-Gebiz has been localised. In his work on the flora of the island of Rhodes in the Aegean rechinger encountered is stated. From these localities in the history of isparta's sütçüler forest sweetgum 27.07.1987 `nature conservation area " has been declared. Again located in Marmaris National Park, is under the protection of the sweetgum forests. And the environment also muğla, muğla, is protected by the Regional Directorate of forestry (1999). At least in our country to be under the protection of certain areas for the protection of genetic reserves is very important. Our sensitivity to the issue, bleeding, wound another, soon to return with gangrene other olusuna entirely eliminate a plant community. So: the expansion of the plant in our country most of the north-western tip of China, covering an area of 3 km, which forms pure communities on the area that hosts the tea frankincense, with all its beauty, China will remain under the dam Lake. Aydın highway, is located about 35 km as the crow flies 75 km from the new road with this plant community, in all the beauties of the river communities displays. The envy of the finest works of the famous artists, especially with the arrival of autumn, nature creates a riot of color from yellow to red. Recently given the record of our country and the Asian continent for the first time from an example collected (Orthotrichum I spruce Mont.) along with the dam will be destroyed. We have been visiting periodically on an ecological study within this area presented the opportunity to watch an entire season of our trees. It affected us so deeply that these visits this location, which will soon be eliminated in the US people knowing he was a very close friend dying of cancer, the man has made an impact like watching unsuspecting embrace life with all the force there. For some reason we spend more effort and money to recover after the first washes. Our goal here, to rip off small storms in waters certainly is not.
Unresponsive a few small brains spark lighter. In addition, the lower sections of the creek and other small streams in these plants are linked in pınargözü had the opportunity to live. Her field will be eliminated in the plant, but it is gratifying to see that have spread to the foothills of the mountains of aydın. Necessary the dams should be done, it will be done. People will not be thirsty. A human life is paramount. Not to be destructive but when you do it, a little more sensitive, it must be remembered that the necessity to act more consciously. Possible scenarios of water wars in the near future to live in the world always place yourself in the starring role given to our country, hope you don't lose many more beauties... Note: GEF II Project Engineer güray Directorate support our work and especially forest meadow wildlife`, we would like to thank infinite.

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