Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Right Message in Environmental Education

environmental issues related to the past, most people did not care. But today worldwide occurring in the population explosion, industry, science and advances in technology, people relaxed the effort, especially economic wars, coupled with more unnecessary consumption and thus led to more natural areas and resources destroyed, in our air as a result of, our water and on pieces of land we inhabit has led to contamination. As a result of all this is necessary or unnecessary development worldwide has appeared more energy needs. To meet this need for energy such as coal, oil and nuclear sources, always, always a source of pollution or environmental pollution has been to increase the resource studies tend to enormous risks. As a result, starting from our immediate environment (air pollution in our cities, the difficulties experienced in providing clean drinking water, such as difficulties in waste disposal and evaluation) globally in very big trouble appeared. Therefore, environmental issues worldwide to nearly everyone now began to take priority order.
Environmental sensitivity can be called, showing care for natural resources, reduce pollution, waste prevention as well as environmental awareness place it deserves in the world yet not exactly where it should be no period of history in developing countries the same subject had not taken. To give an example from our country in this regard; Turkey was a country famous for its rich natural beauty we see that the recent slow starts to fade our this beauty, economically as we become a consumer society, in this context, the environment and especially the use of materials that pose a threat to our health, forests to open fields in our natural areas burning, grazing animals destroying goats so young seedlings in new forest areas, income providing for the sake of medicinal value also is unconsciously collection of natural genetic resources of our our plants with economic value to take into account the destruction, to reduce the editing costs that exist in the importation or already old technology and the environment constitute a threat to not using the latest technology in cost accounting because the company is equipped with older technology, environmentally harmful wastes are considered not run the cleaning unit in order to reduce the cost of electricity generating business in the outside controls.
Our countries continue so that these events can be described as negative outcomes for the environment is not the fate of developing countries, including, should not be. These are routed to the wrong people, conscious of their lack of errors occurring. People are rooted in social life or unconsciously wrong approach. In fact, given the message to find the place, but to find work, to give the message Any instance needs to solve the existing problems in itself; I also believe that campaigns to reach a wide audience for energy efficiency now being repeated frequently. However, the approach to focus on getting a saving slogan economically. In fact, messages should be given, how much less coal for energy efficiency, to use fossil fuels such as oil, how much will be less waste of natural resources and should therefore be involved in the air we breathe is how much less polluting. So we will achieve a real sense of the abdomen should be emphasized that a clean and healthy living environment as well as economic profit we will achieve. To give you another example on the same topic, summer and winter hour adjustments are made public each year, saving obtained and reported here. Therefore, the people would have made it compulsory savings with this approach. But enough focus on the subject, it should be hung in homes with savings and giving this message will be set in the workplace.

Speaking of saving, too little water saving tackle. Today we live in the village collectively as the city is the biggest problem of all settlements of clean and potable water supply. The reaction to the mention saving you give some people might have heard in your environment: "My brother is not the money." This is not an acceptable response. The answer to such people certainly should be: "No, my brother is not the money." People water saving told in my opinion to be given, "These settlements to meet more or unnecessary water needs arising from the waste of the unit several rivers, lakes and underground water sources dried, what are their effects on the natural environment and climate, vibrant and living in this environment due to climate change manufacturers how difficult the situation, the economic level of the society we live in difficult water supply goods to what is happening to people who are low? "should be the messages.
Food waste is also a separate issue. Today in the world , or locally in our own country we look at proposed solutions to meet the nutritional needs of growing each year ;
a) get more efficiency from the same soil , so more artificial fertilizers , hormones and even the use of chemical agents ;
b) to provide new land for agriculture ;
c) turning to transgenic crops ;
suggestions are most in demand . That approach has been constructed on the establishment of the supply-demand balance . Why; farmlands to open to increase production . Result? The destruction of natural areas . So what is the alternative ? Excessive use of chemical fertilizers , excessive use of pesticides. Is this all chemicals used by plants ? No. So to go from these chemicals ? Or to go to the depths of the earth and will stay there which will lead to salinity by irrigation after a while , it will be as a result of desertification . Or be involved in underground and surface water resources through rainwater washed . We provide our drinking water we have in the waters over this ground and , therefore, the carcinogenic effect chemicals will poison our drinking water. Result , an increase in cancer . Even with a wash of pesticides , especially on the foods we eat I think I have to remind the effect of reduction .
When it comes to pollution issues; the messages in today mainly focuses on how to clean the contaminated area. Is forgotten-goods, the most effective way to prevent pollution, the pollution source is drying. On the one hand polluted, broke, how do we fix later he seek and destroy roads, or how do you think it is reasonable to expect it from someone. We have a lot of experience in our daily lives even. Demolish-easy to break, it is difficult to do. Especially when this is a very delicate balance on the board dealt with a closed ecosystem for the world in terms of natural processes to be almost impossible or too much recovery time is needed. See, even today with the environmentalist approach to human activities damage our natural life and the environment. Because people can not adapt to the environment where biodegradable. But it is expected to adapt to the environment. This loss, it is impossible to prevent perhaps, but it is possible to minimize.
issues related to the environment in the past, most people do not care about our community's input, I said. This was true in terms of our cultural approach. Because of our cultural history we did not waste unconsciously. We live for ourselves dikiyordu.ön three trees instead of keeping the environment clean and did not cut a tree destroyed. So how did we come to today. Whether it also has changed the speed. Whether this cultural influence or as a result of imperialism. What varies. This is our present situation. Well, it did not improve? Why not. But before we come to believe, and our young people who need to be convinced that. Some say, "Am I a sucker for this nation, and I'll fight anyone the violation of reasons" to do something for the environment by staying away from such approaches. I think the first message to be given to our people: "If I have a contribution requirement I am willing to be the sucker of the real world" should be the approach. Holistic not agree even organized a movement in the sense, at least we can do our part in our own living environment should be the message. This is the message that people should show toward the living-making above all, should tell him later. Remember, anything you do to the people that live-in will not be effective to put this.
Our teachers! social at the science, music from the picture, the foreign language Turkish sample A, the physical education as religious and moral knowledge in every discipline, from the village to the town, all over the country to the great metropolises of the small city, kindergarten from our area educator on a sacred mission as educating the people responsible to come to university! The environmental sensitivity of the guarantee of our future that our young people from the school environment is you who will give messages correctly. Another is reasonable to expect that one of the tasks; because formal, structured and meaningful as no one else to give this message. Do not leave this issue to the only branch of science teacher you think would be the information about the environment. Whatever your industry, for that matter you may have a very large contribution. Just as an example, I would like to offer you a few approaches you can do so much as summarized below:
ıf you are a Turkish or foreign language teachers, the course of your use of the text-hatchet You can choose which parts to read positive messages to the environment. Or read the book proposing, or offer samples of the same composition and purpose printing done with your work as a Sport discussing them in the classroom, and you will have made a contribution to environmental education.
If you are a math teacher, you can use the sample problems involving environmental impact and loss and recovery cost-benefit of your mathematical calculations. After the calculation of this problem is that there are or may be both attracted students' attention by telling a real environmental issues, both issues have moved from theoretical weight your children's daily life that you have updated.
If you have a picture or music teacher, will attract attention on environmental problems or children to provide separation from the evil seeing the beauty of nature pictures, you can make music studies and discussing them in a very short, even if you can contribute to environmental consciousness formation.
If you are a religious culture and ethics classes teachers will give messages about the environment I think can use so many resources that you have 

If you are a social studies teacher or human rights course, the message that the greatest human right to live clean and healthy environment, they can leak with students tartıştırarak.
Meanwhile, the effort to create awareness of the need to leave only to parents and teachers, I think. Ã? Especially lately almost every segment of society, such as television and radio and in the case was a prisoner of audio visual media. Of course in the field of environmental education into this vast media power in the written press, the society's environmental awareness to all segments used to give messages to development.
In short, the first family, starting with young people and society more environmentally conscious society and the training of all members can be grown. First of all, individuals and society before him, then must take responsibility for all humanity.
Environmental education should start from the family, because childhood is a crucial period for the construction of the personality. During this period, the child's good from bad, he learned to distinguish right from wrong and is a period in which to develop its own personality. If in the five to ten year period following this period if previously corrected inaccurate or desired direction different from the configuration of the personality traits and character behavior, tomorrow may be too late for you both to himself.
You make big sacrifices without mercy for all the needs of your children visible today. Both exponentially with very great difficulty. Why for your children and for their children (even for all humanity) countless sacrifices, even if you do not strive for the development of all useful behavior? El chance ones, which may give the right messages showcasing positive attitude to the environment, why in the name of very important issues to raise awareness of the people who constitute the society "green" in that a handful of people, you'll leave without support as well as ever? Do you have any other place in this world to go over? At least the support of the people working in this field.

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